Gifts of the heart | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

Gifts of the heart

“Ortolan” - story by Katarzyna Klet
He walked up to the tree. I’ve been waiting for it for almost an hour hidden in bushes nearby. And yet, when I started doubting if he would do it, he walked up. It happened and I was staring at him motionless as I was under a spell. He approached the tree so closely that it looked like he was trying to kiss it. However, he opened his lips just a bit and...

-Ortolan- he whispered so quietly that I needed to suspend my breath to be able to hear it. He said it only once. But the tree heard it. My eyes saw something, which seemed not to be real. A cloudlet, which slipped out of his mouth when he said that word, flied round the trunk of the tree on the level of his mouth. And when it formed a circle at the back of the trunk it stated to grow and finally covered entire trunk including its top and bottom. The tree cracked and the bark started to fall down adding to the melody of cracking the sound of falling pieces, gently sliding down along the trunk.

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The song from the Cochise music group
Cochise music group with its vocalist PawełMałaszyński decided to record a song for the Alarm Clock Clinic

You can download the song here: Cochise Budzik

“A Fairy Tale About the Storm” by Klaudia Giese-Szczap
Margaret was sitting at the edge of the bed, wondering if she should get up or laze around a little bit longer. She wasn’t in a rush, it was an early summer morning (probably, someone would not consider 10 am as an early morning, however, in Margaret’s opinion it surely was), there was no one at home—as she thought—no one there. “Life could not be any better,” she thought. If it was not for the afternoon visit to aunt Klara, whom Margaret honestly hated - everything would be wonderful! Suddenly, she heard noises of a bustle from the inside of the apartment. “They didn’t forget!” she thought and hid her head under the pillow...
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