On February 10th, 2022, the President of the "Akogo?" Foundation, Mrs. Ewa Błaszczyk-Janczarska together with Prof. Leonora Bużańska from IMDIK PAN and Mr. Dr. hab. prof. Jacek Szczygielski and Katarzyna Kasica - the coordinator of scientific and research projects at the „Akogo?" Foundation, at the invitation of the originator and Director of the Translational Medicine Center of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (CMT SGGW), prof. Zdzisław Gajewski, as part of a study visit, they visited and admired the impressive result of many years of work of prof. Gajewski and his team. They showed us the current research potential and infrastructure of the Center, including the most modern operating room in the world. The second, similar operating room of this type is located in New York.
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