In the November issue of "Wysokie Obcasy Extra", in the series "Portraits of women", we encourage you to read the interview with Ewa Błaszczyk.
As the author of the interview, Alina Mrowińska, told us "(...) This is an interview for a quiet weekend to read and think about life. An honest interview about difficult moments, dealing with them, but above all about hope (…)",53662,30301270,ewa-blaszczyk-ola-lezy-23-lata-jest-nieprawdopodobnie.html
As the author of the interview, Alina Mrowińska, told us "(...) This is an interview for a quiet weekend to read and think about life. An honest interview about difficult moments, dealing with them, but above all about hope (…)",53662,30301270,ewa-blaszczyk-ola-lezy-23-lata-jest-nieprawdopodobnie.html