Aktualności | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?
Once again, our Clinics were visited by the Superhero League Foundation. Everyone is waiting for their arrival!
In March this year, another recovered patient of the “Alarm Clock” Clinic for children will be going home. Michał told us his story, what he...
Last weekend, at the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children, workshops were held, which were used by the caretakers of our patients.
Last week, at the "Alarm Clock" Clinic for children, there was a concert of the "Karakal" band, followed by representatives of the "Akogo?"...
In the last week of November, Jakub Kuroń and his mother Joanna came to the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw. The Kuroniówka...
On November 14th and 15th, 2024, a meeting was held at the "Alarm Clock" Clinic for Children in Warsaw, with the participation of: Prof. Dr....
The „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw often confronts seemingly unsolvable medical problems.
A week ago, Krzysztof Włodarczyk, alias Diablo came to visit the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw.
Last week, another patient left the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw, this time unawake.
In 1996, on the initiative of World Physiotherapy, September 8th was established as a holiday for the entire global physiotherapy community.
Last week, Mariia and her mother returned from the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw to their temporary home.
A week ago, Artur left the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children. As is customary, the entire Clinic, employees, patients and their families said...
Such visits don't happen every day. Last weekend, the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw was visited by the Super Hero League...
Daria is a 17-year-old girl who was hit by a crosswalk on January 2nd, 2024, just outside her house. Unconscious, she was taken to hospital...
Today we celebrate Children's Day! During a recent visit of the League of Superheroes to the „Alarm Clock"" Clinic for children in Warsaw, we...
In just a week, another recovered patient will leave the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw. An adopted cat, called Doctor "Amber" in...
Teddy Bear sculpture of the master Józef Wilkoń came back to the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children in Warsaw after it’s renovation.
At the "Alarm Clock" Clinic for children, our patients are visited by the Animals for People Association as part of additional activities.
Mr. Maciej Piróg, the director of the facility, told us about what 2023 was like for the „Alarm Clock" Clinic for children.
After 15 months of intensive rehabilitation at the "Alarm Clock" Clinic for Children (where the stay is free of charge), Klaudia and Dominik...
Last weekend, a delegation from the "Akogo?" Foundation came to the „Alarm Clock" Clinics for children and adults and the League of Super-Heroes.
